Isidro Puig
He is a professor in the Department of Audiovisual Communication, Documentation and Art History at the Universitat Politècnica de València.
Between 1994 and 1997 he was contractually linked to the Museo de Bellas Artes de Valencia, the Museo "Mariano Belliure" in Crevillente and the Museum of Fine Arts of Valencia, the "Mariano Belliure" Museum of Crevillente and the Museum of Contemporary Art of Elche. From 1998 to 2007 he was curator of the Museu de Lleida. From 2007 to 2018, researcher at the Universitat de Lleida and coordinator of the Centre for Art of the Modern Period (CAEM).He has coordinated the Master's Degree in Evaluation and Analysis of Works of Art and the Degree in Art History and Heritage Management at the University of Lleida. He currently participates in the Master's Degree in Analysis and Authentication of Works of Art (UV) and in the Master's Degree in Cultural Management (UV-UPV). He is assistant delegate of Artistic Heritage of the Bishopric of Lleida.
He has participated in several research projects of the National Plan and in the European project: Affreschi staccati: restauro e conservazione (Universitá degli Studi di Verona, 2017-2021). He has been part of the Consolidated Research Group (ACEM), recognised by the Generalitat de Catalunya (2005-2019).
His lines of research focus on painting in the Old Kingdom of Valencia (15th-17th c.) and 18th-century architecture and sculpture. XV-XVII) and 18th century architecture and sculpture, with publications in journals such as: Boletín de Arte, PH: Boletín del Instituto Andaluz del Patrimonio Histórico, Cuadernos de arte de la Universidad de Granada, Cuadernos de estudios gallegos, Ge-conservación, Espacio, tiempo y forma, Medievalia, Ars Longa, Archivo de Arte Valenciano, Archivo Español de Arte, Artigrama, BSAA Arte, Atrio, Quaderns del Museu Episcopal de Vic, Butlletí de la Reial Acadèmia Catalana de Belles Arts de Sant Jordi, among others. And co-author of monographs such as: "El pintor Joan de Joanes y su entorno familiar: los Macip a través de las fuentes literarias y la documentación de archivo", "Francisco de Goya: Carlos IV" or "La testamentaria de Gaspar de Portolà".